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Faculty of Languages & Literatures

Master of Arts: Intercultural Anglophone Studies (MAIAS)

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Student Testimonials - The MAIAS Experience

Coming from a wide range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds, our students bring their unique experiences to the classroom, enriching discussions and fostering global understanding. Here you will find testimonials that reflect the transformative journeys of our students. Immerse yourself in their stories and discover what makes our program a gateway to a world of opportunities.

"Studying at the University of Bayreuth for my Master's in Intercultural Anglophone Studies, while also pursuing English literature back home at Shanghai International Studies University, has been a serene yet profound experience. It's a journey that embodies the saying, 'Study abroad is not a year in a life, but a life in a year.' Guided by the wisdom of the program's instructors and academic coordinator, I've navigated both academic and personal growth with ease. Their support has been instrumental, especially in refining my thesis here. The freedom to choose courses that resonate with my passion has been liberating. Life in Bayreuth is simple and peaceful, with a community that's warm and welcoming despite my limited German. This tranquility allows for a deep dive into studies, while the city's charm offers a colorful backdrop to my daily life. This experience is more than an academic pursuit; it's a tapestry of cultural immersion and personal development, woven into the fabric of my life."

Ruxi / China (Dual Degree / Major Area Literature)

"Studying in the MAIAS program at the University of Bayreuth was an exceptional experience. The program allowed me to develop and pursue my own research interests within a friendly and encouraging academic environment. Guided by experts in their respective fields, students enjoy a remarkable amount of freedom in course selection, project work, and their final thesis.
Additionally, the vibrant campus life, including sports courses, cultural activities, and general lectures, contributes to a truly enriching experience within a fantastic campus atmosphere."

Sofia / Germany (Major Area Linguistics)

"Studying in the MAIAS program has been a rewarding experience, from which I still benefit today both personally and professionally. What makes the program stand out in particular in my view is the incredibly supportive environment provided by dedicated, caring, and encouraging instructors. If questions or problems arise, whether in the classroom or beyond, students can count on them to be willing to listen and offer help and advice. The community of MAIAS students is similarly supportive and welcoming. Additionally, the program provides an ideal environment to thrive intellectually. Seminar groups are small so that every thought can be appreciated, thoroughly discussed, and also challenged. Beyond inspiring seminars, students are encouraged to deepen their individual research interests in independent study units. In this way, the program has allowed me to pursue my interests in an enjoyable yet vigorous manner. Being given the chance to work as a lecturer in American Studies myself today, I hope to give back some of the support I received during my time as a student in Bayreuth and contribute to making the MAIAS an inspirational experience."

Elli / Germany (Major Area Literature)

"Studying in the MAIAS program is one of the best academic and life experiences! The program offers a wide range of innovative courses that provide an excellent theoretical foundation for understanding trends and recent developments in literature, culture, film, theatre, and music. One of the program's strengths, in my view, is its encouragement of an independent approach to research-oriented study of cultural phenomena in the Anglophone world. Having the opportunity to contribute to the program as a lecturer, my goal is to offer the same dedication and support that the professors and lecturers provided when I was a student. Finally, the University of Bayreuth is a friendly and multicultural environment that offers opportunities to meet people from all around the world, gain work experience, and prepare for a future career."

Marija / Serbia (Major Area Literature)

"My year abroad in Taipei was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I will always appreciate the time there and the friends I made. It was also an academic challenge and a phase of great personal growth.The MAIAS program is set up so that you can really make it your own and learn about subjects you are passionate about. You also receive great support from wonderful teachers. International experience can be extremely valuable when entering the job market. All my employers have commended me on taking that step. Post-graduation, I completed a PR-traineeship, which lead me abroad again to Singapore for two months. After a few years in the chemical industry, I found that I needed to align my career more with my personal values. Currently, I work in online marketing for a non-profit, Germany's largest blood donor service, which ensures a safe and sufficient blood supply for the 30 million people living in its area. I've been to international conferences giving presentations about sustainability in donor marketing and the solid foundation of knowledge and skills I built through my studies gave me confidence."

Julia / Germany (Dual Degree / Major Area Literature)

"I always appreciated the freedom of choice that MAIAS offers the students: the majority of classes were electives and could be picked from the modules according to my own interests. During my time as an MA student in Bayreuth, I learnt the art of independent research (this was made very easy by the excellent university library, which can deliver any source in the world!) - and it has served me well in the 14 years since that I've been working in academia.
I think MAIAS is an ideal setting for international students to make the step from the highly structured programs towards the "European-style" graduate studies. I remember my years in Bayreuth very fondly and I warmly encourage anyone considering this degree to take the plunge – it’s worth it!"

Daria / Russia (Major Area Linguistics)

"After a B.A. in British and American Studies, I was looking for a master‘s program that catered to my interest in the areas of postcolonial and transcultural studies. With MAIAS, I found the perfect fit! What I liked most was the fact that I was not forced to decide on one discipline exclusively: I could “shop around,” attend courses in Literary and Cultural Studies and Linguistics and acquired expertise in different historical and linguistic contexts. MAIAS was the ideal setting to specialize in Postcolonial Literatures and Criticism and to engage further in discussions on inter- and transculturality, areas that have been research interests ever since. Thus, the program provided me with a solid and comprehensive foundation for my future academic endeavors. The program’s intercultural dimension was reflected not only in its themes, but also in its academic staff and my fellow students. MAIAS profits from the University’s emphasis on African Studies and the well-connected permanent staff who are able to bring scholars from all over the world for different events. Last but not least, I am grateful for the friendships I established during my studies in Bayreuth, which have taken me across the world –personally and professionally."

Hanna / Germany (Major Area Literature)

"Studying in the MAIAS program at the University of Bayreuth has been an inspiring journey that shaped both my academic and personal growth. The vibrant green campus, with its rich botanical garden and close proximity to various faculties, creates an ideal setting for creativity and interdisciplinary collaboration. The MAIAS program is remarkable for its broad and flexible curriculum, allowing students to explore a wide range of subjects tailored to their passions and aspirations. This approach, combined with the exceptional support from the dedicated and approachable faculty, fosters an environment where students are encouraged to think critically, take risks, and push the boundaries of knowledge. For my master's thesis, I embraced this spirit of innovation by exploring the unique topic of 'Culinary Signage and Multilingualism: An Analysis of the Linguistic Food Landscape in Berlin’s Charlottenburg, Mitte, Kreuzberg, and Lichtenberg Districts.' Diving into the relatively uncharted field of culinary linguistics and comparing diverse neighborhoods in Berlin was a bold endeavor. Yet, thanks to the guidance and encouragement of my professors, I was able to successfully complete my research and present findings that earned the highest distinction. This experience has been transformative, reinforcing my belief in the power of curiosity-driven research and the value of stepping beyond the conventional. I am deeply grateful to MAIAS for providing a platform that nurtures innovation, critical thinking, and limitless potential."

Ugurcan / Türkiye & Germany (Major Area Linguistics)

Webmaster: Dr. Antje Friedrich-Gemkow

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