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Faculty of Languages & Literatures

Master of Arts: Intercultural Anglophone Studies (MAIAS)

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First Semester in MAIAS

Dear new MAIAS students,

welcome to your first semester at UBT! This website provides you with information on the following issues:
1. It informs you about the date, time, and place of the introductory meeting for MAIAS first semester students.
2. It provides you with basic information on classes and modules.
3. It tries to help you find, choose, and register for your classes in the summer semester 2025
4. It tells you whom to contact with specific questions you may have.

With best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Mayer (MAIAS Academic Coordinator)

1. MAIAS Introductory MeetingHide

The (compulsory) MAIAS Introductory Meeting will take place on April 23, 2025 at 12:00 in Room S 94 GW I

2. Basic Information on ClassesHide

Classes for MAIAS and all other programs start on Wednesday in the first week of the lecture period (23.04.2025)
Language Classes start in the second week of the lecture period (as of Monday, 28.04.2025)

  • The MAIAS Curriculum presents information on the structure of the five module areas A, B, C, D, and E. Each module area consists of a specific number of modules which you need to "fill" with classes over the course of your studies
  • Course Plans - Recommendations on which modules to fill in your first semester.
  • The Module Handbooks for the two major areas - the Module Handbook "Literature" and the Module Handbook "Linguistics" - give more comprehensive information on what the single modules cover thematically.
  • A Checklist for MAIAS students - which offers more general information on, for instance, course selection and registration, language courses, and exams.
3. Choosing Courses for the Summer Semester 2025Hide

The Course Plans provide you with recommendations for which modules to fill in your first semester. The MAIAS curriculum specifies the type of class (Advanced Seminar - HS; Proseminar - PS; Lecture - V) you can use for filling the single modules.

Finding and Registering for Classes

You can find an overview of all the classes offered in the winter semester on cm/life.
For a better structural overview you can also use the the MAIAS-Module-Course Structure (follow link and then click on "Module") which reflects the module structure of the MAIAS-Program and connects suitable courses offered in the summer semester.

Registration is possible with the official beginning of the summer semester 2025 on April 1, 2025.
Registration for language classes starts later. cm/life provides on overview of all the language courses offered in the summer semester. If you click on a course, you will see when the registration for it opens.

In order to register for classes on cm/life, you have to be fully registered as a student at UBT and have a student ID (with your "bt-number" printed on it).

Style & Register and Language Classes

  • "Style & Register" (module A 3): This obligatory class takes place on Tuesday, 12:15-13:45 in S 49 / RWII. This is the class number you need for registering on cm/life: SE057. Registration opens on April 24, 2025 at 09:00

Please note: For module area B you need 8 ECTS/credit points. This means that you can take different types of courses to reach this number of credit points in the course of your studies. 2-hour courses give you 2 ECTS, 4-hour courses give you 4 ECTS. Should you opt for a German language class for absolute beginners, you will have to take a “Grundkurs” (4-hour course; 4 ECTS).

Here you can find information on the Language Center, which is an independent institution at UBT that cooperates with the English Department and more detailed information for international students.

For more detailed questions relating to language classes, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Ms Mary Redmond from the Language Center (mary.redmond@uni-bayreuth.de).


With your student ID, you also get access to the UBT E-learning platform. E-learning consists of webpages for single classes, which provide you with information and materials used in class.

4. Contact / SupportHide

For specific questions concerning your choice of classes, please don't hesitate to contact:

and/or check the website of the study support "Faculty4International" which is available for all enrolled international students of Faculty4 ("Faculty of Languages & Literatures").

Webmaster: Dr. Antje Friedrich-Gemkow

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